One way to prepare discussion starters for a Potluck worship conversation is to explore the weekly lectionary scriptures. The web is a treasure trove of great discussion questions, background information, and illustration resources for the weekly lectionary scriptures. Here are six that I find quite helpful:
1) The Text This Week (aka “Textweek”): A huge listing of resources indexed by the weekly lectionary readings, both to the specific scripture and to the date. 2) Faith Element: A subscription-based youth and adult Bible study curriculum using discussion, movies, music, art, prayer practices, current events, and even a companion podcast and a background video to encourage us to explore the texts. 3) Faith Lens: A blog hosted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), the author pairs current events and life-application questions with the week’s lectionary scriptures. 4) Mustard Seeds: This blog curates an interesting list of resources—from children’s books, graphics, music, film and more—that connect to the lectionary texts. 5) SAMUEL/Weekly Seeds: A free resource from the United Church of Christ that offers reflection questions, quotes, commentary, and a prayer on the lectionary texts. 6) UMC Discipleship Ministries Leadership Resources: A team from the United Methodist Church curates a set of worship resources, from music and planning notes to preaching resources. These are geared toward a more traditional worship setting, but many are applicable to worship around the table. The calendar notes are quite helpful for planning special day or holiday observances. Comments are closed.
written by RachelSet a table, invite Christ and others, leave an empty chair, serve up some powerful questions, and break bread. Archives
January 2021